Diabetic/Hypertensive clinics

Diabetes is fast becoming a global issue affecting over 380 million people worldwide. The burden of diabetes both on the individual sufferer and the health system is also becoming increasingly over whelming. There are basically two types of diabetes; type1 diabetes mellitus and type2 diabetes mellitus; the former usually is caused by an auto- immune problem, whilst the latter is due primarily to life style issues and also runs in certain families.

Diabetes is associated with many health challenges and complications but early detection, treatment and good blood sugar control can either delay it full manifestation or even reduce the progression of it complications.

Holy Trinity diabetes Clinic was established to meet the needs of people suffering from diabetes.

In order to meet the expectations of our clients, we have put together special diabetes team called the Diabetes Care Team (DCT). The Team carries out education programmes not only at our diabetes clinics and the Wards but also, embarks on outreach programmes. The weekly interactions between the Team and our diabetic clients have not only enhanced the cordial relationship that exist between this two, but has had great impact on compliance and blood glucose control.

The team is made up of

  • A Physician Specialist
  • A General Practitioner
  • A Pharmacist
  • A Nurse
  • A Clinical Psychologist
  • A Dietitian
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